For the most part, insects are vital members of our natural community, keeping our ecosystems and food supplies functioning properly. But invasive insect species — insects that made their way here from elsewhere, usually in shipping containers or on lumber products — can quickly spin those natural systems out of whack.

For example, emerald ash borers have killed over 100 million trees across the eastern half of the country since first being spotted in the US in 2002— and are threatening to kill about 8 billion more. With our global commerce, the spreading of invasive species is inevitable, with new ones regularly turning up. Some, like Asian Longhorn Ticks, have expanded particularly quickly in just a few years.

Here is more about those ticks and other invasive insect species and plants to watch out for in 2025.

Invasive Insect Species To Look Out For In 2025

Colony of imported red fire antsCourtesy National Pest Management Association

For all of these species, we’ve also included DIY solutions for keeping them out of your home. But, if you have a problem that is large enough, you should also consider calling a pest control professional. They will be adept at knowing where to look for fixes such as entry points, nests and potential shelters.

Japanese Beetle

Now present in most states, these metallic-green beetles eat plant roots while in their grub stage, then emerge as adults to feed on leaves, fruits and flowers. “Though these beetles are beautiful, they can be incredibly distressing for home gardeners,” says Emma Grace Crumbley, an entomologist at Mosquito Squad Plus. “If you see them, it’s essential you take action immediately to control them.”

How to prevent an infestation in my home: Monitor plants for signs of beetles. Physically remove any you find and repot your plants in new soil. Also, since many birds, small mammals and spiders eat them, creating natural habitats with native plants can keep them at bay. (My mom is having incredible success with this strategy.)

Joro Spider

This invasive orb-weaver first appeared in Georgia in the early 2010s and then spread to neighboring states. The females are easy to recognize, being up to four inches long with black and yellow markings on their back and a red mark on their belly. They aren’t dangerous, but their large webs can be a nuisance and an eyesore. Environmentally, they also threaten native insect populations.

How to prevent an infestation in my home: Joro spiders typically live outside. “However, if you’ve spotted one inside your home, this means that they’ve found shelter and a food source, so you may have an insect infestation as well,” says Daniel Baldwin, an entomologist with Hawx Pest Control.

Pesticides are not an effective solution, so the best way to keep them out is to seal up gaps around doors and windows and keep your home and yard free from clutter. “Once the nests and potential shelters have been removed, the Joro spider will usually leave your home alone as there’s nowhere for them to hide,” says Baldwin.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (BMSB)

These grayish-brown shield-shaped beetles grow to about three-quarters of an inch long and release a strong odor when disturbed or crushed. Note: there are also native stink bug species, but they don’t tend to enter structures and congregate in large numbers like BMSBs do. “While stink bugs don’t sting or bite, they can become a major nuisance in homes and are particularly damaging to gardens and fruit trees,” says Dr. Jim Fredericks, an entomologist at the National Pest Management Association.

How to prevent an infestation in my home: BMSBs enter homes during cold months, and exclusion is the best defense. Seal cracks, damaged screens and other entry points. If they do get in, a vacuum is a good option for avoiding the odor.

Elm Seed Bug

These invaders were first seen in Idaho in 2012 and now live in much of the West and Midwest. They look similar to box elder bugs, being about the size of a small pumpkin seed, but they sport a rust-orange or brown back vs. box elder’s bright red and black backs.

“While elm seed bugs are not dangerous to people or pets, they are a known nuisance for homeowners, and their fecal stains can leave unsightly markings on walls and windowsills,” says Crumbley. “They also pose a minor threat to the elm trees.”

How to prevent an infestation in my home: Seal unwanted entry points, replace weather stripping around windows and doors and add mesh screens to vents.

Asian Longhorned Ticks

These reddish-brown ticks first appeared in New Jersey in 2017 and are now in 16 states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. “They are particularly concerning because they can reproduce without mating, and females can lay up to 2,000 eggs after a blood meal,” says Fredericks. The species can also transmit diseases to cattle, but those found in the U.S. have not yet been linked to any human diseases.

How to prevent an infestation in my home: Practice standard tick procedures, including wearing insect repellent while spending time outdoors, covering skin with protective clothing, keeping grass cut low, clearing overgrown vegetation and routinely checking pets.

Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA)

These small Brazilian ants have been stinging people in the southern US for nearly 100 years. “They have an intensely painful sting and bite, more so than native fire ants,” says Crumbley. “They also eat just about anything they can access, which makes them incredibly annoying in and around the home.”

How to prevent an infestation in my home: Look for large, dome-shaped ant hills around your yard, then have the nests professionally treated (hiring a pro is recommended because their stings can be especially dangerous en masse). It’s also crucial to check plumbing and utility penetrations around your home and seal up cracks and other entry points.

Spotted Lanternflies

Inch-long, chunky insects with bright red wings and spotted lanternflies have spread to 11 states, from New York to Georgia. They fly poorly, so usually rely on jumping and walking to get around. “These insects are incredibly destructive to agriculture, particularly grapevines, hops and hardwood trees,” says Fredericks. “They harm plants by feeding on their sap, which can lead to stunted growth, weeping wounds and even plant death.” They also gather in large numbers, becoming a nuisance for homes and businesses.

How to prevent an infestation in my home: Seal unwanted entry points and install screens in windows and over vents. Also, report sightings to the local agriculture office and scrape off any egg masses you find on surfaces like tree trunks and outdoor furniture. New York State also encourages people to kill them on sight by crushing them.

Asian Lady Beetles

Colorful and stinky, Asian lady beetles were introduced intentionally to the US in the 1970s to control other agriculture pests. “Today, they’re best known for invading homes in late fall through winter and taking over window sills, attics and ceiling corners,” says Crumbley. “Some people believe that ladybugs are good luck, but anyone who has had an Asian lady beetle infestation will tell you they don’t feel very lucky.” They also excrete yellow fluids that smell bad and can leave stain marks on walls.

How to prevent an infestation in my home: You can tell Asian lady beetles from non-invasive ladybugs by their affinity for congregating in large groups. Like with other occasional invaders, prevent their entry by sealing cracks, upgrading weather stripping and putting mesh over vents.

Invasive Plants

Invasive plants, which spread quickly, reproduce easily and harm the environment, aren’t limited to obvious ones like the kudzu vines that blanket swaths of the Southern US, or cheatgrass across the West. They also include landscaping staples like English ivy, lesser celadine and Japanese honeysuckle.

“Many of these invasive plants are still commonly sold in garden centers,” says Mary Phillips of the National Wildlife Federation. “One of the most important things you can do as a gardener is to avoid purchasing and planting any invasive species.”

Early detection and prevention are also key to keeping invasive plants at bay. One defense is to plant dense stands of native plants, which will also earn you a hefty thank you from the birds, insects and other native residents.

Phillips also suggests these replacements: for English ivy, consider pipevine or passionflower vine; for lesser celadine try trillium, celadine poppy or marsh marigold; and for Japanese honeysuckle, good alternatives are coral honeysuckle and passion vine. Use the National Wildlife Federation’s Native Plant Finder to find species appropriate for your region.

Invasive Trees

Two common ornamental trees that are particularly important to avoid are the tree of heaven (replace with sumac) and mimosa (replace with redbud or flowering dogwood), says Phillips.

The tree of heaven grows in much of the country. “It is allopathic, meaning it releases chemicals into the soil that inhibit the growth of other plants,” she says. It also tends to form dense thickets that block wildlife movement, develops root systems that damage foundations and sewer lines, tends to have weak wood prone to breaking, and outcompetes native trees, which disrupt ecosystems.

About the Experts

  • Emma Grace Crumbley is an entomologist at Mosquito Squad Plus and a self-described bug nerd who uses her expertise to educate people about the fascinating world of bugs.
  • Mary Phillips is head of Native Plant Habitat Strategy/Certifications at the National Wildlife Federation. As an ambassador for nature, she keeps habitat gardening programs flourishing with sustainable practices and ever-evolving scientific knowledge.
  • Dr. Jim Fredericks is a Board Certified Entomologist and Senior Vice President of Public Affairs at the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), a non-profit organization committed to the protection of public health, food and property.
  • Daniel Baldwin is a Board Certified Entomologist at Hawx Pest Control in Ogden, Utah, and has more than two decades of industry experience. (