10 Things That Attract Mosquitoes to Your Home

Updated on Mar. 13, 2024

Don't leave a welcome mat for mosquitoes to swarm your home!

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My 2 Yen/Shutterstock

Open Trash Cans

Garbage itself, and the water that collects in your trash can when it’s left open, can send mosquitoes your way. Garbage cans are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, so don’t give them any opening. Keep the lid on tight to win the war against mosquitoes.

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Certain Plants

Some plants in your garden might be a beacon for mosquitoes. Bamboo, taro, papyrus, water lilies, water hyacinths and water lettuce can all attract mosquitoes, according to Intelligent Living.

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Family Handyman

Standing Water in Your Yard

Standing, stagnant water is one of the top things that attracts mosquitoes. If you live in an area where it rains heavily or frequently, make sure your yard has good drainage.

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Unclean Birdbaths

A dirty birdbath is no fun for humans or birds, but it can be a big attraction for mosquitoes. Here are some easy steps to keep your birdbath clean.

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Yard Debris

Yard debris is a favorable breeding area for mosquitoes because it protects them from wind and other elements, according to Tailor Made Lawns. The list includes grass clippings; overgrown vegetation; stacks of sticks, twigs and branches; piles of leaves; high, uncut grass; compost piles; and unkempt natural areas and shrubs.

Regular mowing and debris clean-up should help alleviate a mosquito problem.

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Sharon Pruitt / EyeEm / Getty Images

Undrained Children’s Pools or Water Tables

Like any standing water, an undrained children’s pool or water table is a big magnet for mosquitoes. Make sure that when you’re done for the day, you empty the pool or table in an area that will drain.

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Unclean Gutters and Clogged Drains

Gutter cleaning is a crucial part of exterior home maintenance. It’s also important for keeping mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes swarm to gutter debris for the moisture and protection. Check your gutters periodically throughout the warm months to make sure they remain clear.

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Nasturtium And Variation Of Lettuce In Plant Pots In Garden
Westend61/Getty Images

Plant Saucers

Plant saucers protect surfaces from soil or water runoff. However, they make a perfect, wet home for mosquitoes. Periodically check for excessive debris build-up and dump out any water.

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krblokhin/Getty Images

Pet Water Bowls

It’s important to keep your four-legged friend hydrated during the summer, but those outside water bowls may be popular with more than your pets. They can attract critters like deer, raccoons and even mosquitoes. So when your dog or cat is inside, dump the water, then refill it the next time you let them out.

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Elizabeth Fernandez/Getty Images

Old Tires

Old tires are great at collecting and retaining water, and that means they’re great at attracting mosquitoes. Empty out the water of any tires in your yard, including tire swings. If you find yourself emptying them frequently, consider moving them to a covered area like a barn or garage where they won’t collect water.