Trends come and go and, before you know it, what you thought was stylish once is now behind the times. If your home has any of these, it’s time for an update!

16 Things That Will Make Houses Look Dated

Old Window Treatments

Floor-to-Ceiling Mirrors
We displayed this floor-to-ceiling mirror setup in 1982 inside an apartment. We said back then that floor-to-ceiling mirrors added a feeling of more space and also hid cabinetry and an entertainment center. You might notice the angled lighting creates a dramatic effect and helps point your eyes where the interior designer wanted you to focus.

Old Wallpaper and Borders

Glass Block Bathroom Windows
We’ve shown any number of glass block projects through the years, like a glass block shower and a glass block basement window. Glass block walls appeared in homes in a variety of ways in the ’90s.

Faux Stone Fireplaces
There’s a lot going in this room but one thing that stands out is the faux rock fireplace. Homeowners moved away from the classic brick fireplace in the ’70s and ’80s to something like this. Then there’s the ubiquitous track lighting in the room and vertical blinds on the sliding glass door.

Old Colors

Brass or Gold Light Fixtures
Shiny brass or gold light fixtures make your home look dated and are a sign it’s time to update your lighting.

Analog Thermostat Control

Old Cabinet Hardware

Primary Colors
Bright color tend to indicate the strength of the economy. When colors turn brighter in clothing and decor, it’s generally because the economy is performing well. That’s what happened in the mid ’90s and it often took the form of primary colors in home decor.


Wood Wall Panels

Popcorn Ceilings

Tile Countertops

Carpeting in the Bathroom