
30 minutes




Less than $10


Are you looking for an inexpensive and easy-to-make autumn decoration? Take a crack at making these festive acorn baubles.

Nothing’s better than a hike in the woods on a beautiful fall day with my family. On those outings, my kids love gathering acorns, pine cones and dried flower tops as they explore the trail. And of course, these items end up in my pockets or in little piles around the house.

So instead of feeling overwhelmed by these beautiful bits of nature surprising you everywhere you look, use them to decorate for fall!

Acorn baubles are an easy and inexpensive fall decoration that incorporates found nature items, a hot glue gun and a couple of things from the dollar store. So let your kids fill their pockets on your next hike, and make some beautiful fall decor that can be strung up with lights or hung with a branch over your mantel.

Is August too early to decorate for fall?

No. Some say the start of school is the unofficial start of fall, and I couldn’t agree more. But if you want to pull decor from nature, you might have to wait a bit before going out foraging.

Tools Required

  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Large-eyed embroidery needle
  • Scissors

Materials Required

  • Acorns / pine cones / dried flower tops / other nature items found on the trail
  • Cinnamon sticks or small twigs
  • Foam balls of varying sizes
  • hot glue
  • Twine

Watch How To Make Acorn Baubles

Project step-by-step (5)

Step 1

Gather materials

Grab a basket and go out into the woods or any natural area with oak or pine trees. Gather acorns, pine cones, dried tops from coneflowers and other items from nature that catch your eye.

Step 2

Dry acorns

If squirrels leave behind acorns, it’s probably because there are bugs or larvae inside. So be sure to dry the acorns ahead of time.

Set your oven at 200 degrees, line a cookie tray with aluminum foil and bake for about two hours. Surprisingly, the acorns come out with a pretty shine. You could also purchase some cinnamon sticks to add a scent to the bauble. Cut the sticks so they look like little bits of wood.

Acorns in Two Fancy Bowls on Grey BackgroundFamily Handyman

Step 3

String the foam ball

Use the large eyed embroidery needle to string the twine, then poke into the foam ball to create a loop. If you don’t have a large enough needle, hot glue also works, but it’s sturdier if you insert string into the bauble.

threading twine into foam ball with an embroidery needleFamily Handyman

Step 4

Make the bauble

Use the hot glue to decorate the foam ball with your nature items. Older kids can help with the hot glue, and younger kids can place the item to the foam ball!

applying hot glue on foam ball with glue gunFamily Handyman

Step 5

Hang the bauble for all to see

Once completely covered, decorate your home with the baubles. I love tying the baubles on a string of fairy lights, hanging it in a doorway or dangling it from a found branch above a mantel.

Acorn Baubles Hanging on a Painted Branch in a Fancy White VaceFamily Handyman